Monday, February 27, 2017

FAIZ SUBRI : Ahli Cemerlang Semangat Jerai Kedah (A.S.K)

Pemenang Anugerah Puskas FIFA 2016

Pemenang Anugerah Puskas Fifa 2016, Mohd Faiz Subri menerima pingat Ahli Cemerlang Semangat Jerai Kedah (A.S.K) daripada Sultan Kedah, Sultan Abdul Halim Mu'adzam Shah. Beliau menerima pingat itu pada majlis Istiadat Pengurniaan Darjah dan Bintang Kebesaran sesi kelapan di Balai Penghadapan, Istana Anak Bukit.

Beliau merupakan antara 164 penerima darjah dan bintang kebesaran sempena sambutan Hari Keputeraan Sultan Kedah ke-89. 

Pemain Pulau Pinang berusia 30 tahun itu mencipta sejarah sebagai pemain Asia pertama dikurniakan anugerah itu pada 9 Jan lepas menerusi jaringan ajaib semasa perlawanan Liga Super antara Pulau Pinang menentang Pahang pada 16 Februari 2016.

Mohd Faiz Subri

Monday, February 20, 2017

Milo Energy Cube

Milo Energy Cube 

Also known as Choco Milo 

Nestle Milo Energy Cube also known as Choco Milo by most people. Has been a classic sort of chocolaty candy, kids and adults have enjoyed for years and still very much enjoy. Definitely a favourite among children and adults alike, these cute yummy cubes measure about 0.8 cm each side and give you an experience you can re-live each time you throw one into your mouth.

The pack holds a 100 cubes that you can enjoy over and over with your friends, family and kids. Coming in the traditional Nestle Milo green pack, you discover a whole new level of chocolaty sweetness when you unwrap that green little wrapper.

These cubes were made from original nestle milo and contains all the nutritional benefits that accompanies the powdered chocolate beverage.

Nestle Milo Energy Cube are very compact and solid. This means you have to suck on them for a while or bite into them to open the cube of crunchier milo chocolate. We all know that the Milo brand is number one when it comes to chocolate malt beverages. It contains tons of healthy vitamins and minerals that contribute greatly to the general well being of both kids and adults.

Choco milo contains calcium which plays a major role in the development of very strong healthy teeth and bones. Rich in Iron, you can be relaxed knowing you are gaining a steady supply of Iron every time you enjoy one of these cute choco milo cubes. Fortified with Vitamin A, your children are improving their eyesight every single time you purchase a pack of this goodness. Choco Milo is also a good source of Vitamin B1 and B2, Vitamin C and other minerals.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Ajinomoto & KL2017

Ajinomoto : Platinum Partner for
Ajinomoto becomes the first Japanese company to sponsor the upcoming as a Platinum Partner.

Ajinomoto Co., Inc. is a Japanese food and chemical corporation

Ajinomoto will be supplying its food products and nutrition to cater to the food and beverages needs during the SEA Games 2017

They're also official partner,a major milestone

Ajinomoto operates in 26 countries

SEA Games 2017 will be a great platform for Ajinomoto to further create the brand experience to over 622 million people in the region.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Nombor Plat 'Rimau'

Nombor plat 'Rimau'

Jawatankuasa Penganjur Malaysia (MASOC) berasa sukacita untuk melancarkan penjualan nombor plat Rimau sebagai sebahagian daripada rancangan pemasaran dan promosi untuk memperingati Sukan SEA ke-29 dan Sukan Para Asean ke-9 di Kuala Lumpur pada Ogos dan September 2017.

Dalam satu kenyataan, MASOC mengesahkan telah mendapat kebenaran daripada Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan (JPJ) untuk menggunakan nombot plat tersebut.


Untuk maklumat terkini, orang ramai boleh melayari :
Malaysia kali pertama menjadi tuan rumah Sukan SEA atau Sukan SEAP ialah pada 1965 dan sehingga edisi Singapura pada 2015, Malaysia telah menjadi hos sebanyak lima kali.

Kali terakhir Malaysia menganjurkan Sukan SEA ialah pada 2001 apabila muncul sebagai juara keseluruhan dengan merangkul 111 pingat emas, diikuti Thailand (103) dan Indonesia (72).